4 Great Tips to Avoid Biggest Carpet Cleaning Mistakes

We learn from our mistakes but when it comes to cleaning carpets there is no margin for error. Using the wrong kind of products, chemicals and cleaning materials can result in permanent damage. But when we look at the biggest cleaning mistakes, not implementing a proper carpet cleaning program takes the lead.

Refraining from implementing a cleaning plan will inevitably be the downfall of your carpets. One way to ensure to stay clear of all the cleaning mistakes is to hire the best carpet cleaner and let him take care of your carpet.

Now I will be taking you through each of the 4 great tips which you can employ in order to stay clear of the biggest carpet cleaning mistakes.

1. Clean before it gets dirty

The first and the most common and mistake with cleaning carpets is that they are only cleaned when they are asking to be cleaned. This is a big problem since carpets are intentionally designed to hide dirt and dust.

Imagine how dirty it is when it actually starts looking dusty and so it is necessary to clean a carpet before it starts looking dirty.

When it comes to spilled drinks or any kind of liquid that will leave a stain, in this case, clean it with proper chemicals as quickly as possible. Avoid rubbing the spill. Start cleaning from outside and move inwards. This will ensure that the spill does not spread.

2. Create a regular cleaning schedule

Not creating a regular schedule for cleaning is the second biggest problem. By cleaning carpets regularly their lifespan increases and they required much less effort while being cleaned.

A regular cleaning schedule needs to be created if the carpet is constantly in use. If the carpet is in the hallways it might require more frequent cleaning sessions as compared to a carpet in a bedroom. If the carpet is in your doorway it will require cleaning on daily basis.

3. Implement a carpet care program

Not having the proper care procedure is the third mistake. It is often noted that only one or two elements of the whole cleaning process are implemented while the rest are ignored. For example, let us say you go for low moisture cleaning and no deep extraction procedure after that then this is a big mistake. Even if you go with spotting you would still need to perform deep extraction after that.

Implement a proper carpet care program that incorporates all the aspects of a good cleaning. Doing so will ensure the longevity and softness of the carpet for an extended period of time.

4. Identifying The Type Of Carpet

The last and the most important mistake that is easily looked over is not identifying the carpet material, fabric used and manufacturer. This identifying process of the carpet is often overlooked which results in low-quality result even after the use of high-quality materials.

A carpet can only be maintained properly once its properties and manufacturer specifications are realized. Not being familiar with the specific type of carpet can result in a big mess for you and your carpet.

Let us look at these situations, for example, if you wash a carpet that has been produced with natural fibers then its fibers will start shrinking. Depending on the pH level of the carpets, if you go with an alkaline based cleaner instead of an acid based to clean a quarter sized spot it will turn to a stain one foot in diameter. The same could happen if the situation is vice-versa.

Always be careful with the products you used on your carpet. Clean your carpet at regular intervals even if they do not look dirty. When you clean your carpets make sure you know what kind of carpet you’re dealing with.

By avoiding these 4 biggest cleaning pitfall mentioned-above.

When it comes to express the ideas based on carpet cleaning service, Justin have the highest experience and wanted you all to learn what’s new in the market. Stay tuned for my latest post to grab the chunk of useful information.

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