Everything You Need to Know About Home Pool Filters

A pool filtration system is required in your swimming pool to keep your pool water clean and healthy. The filter is like the kidney of the swimming pool. The bacteria and numerous other organic contaminants that are killed by the pool chemicals are removed from the pool water using the filter. Without an effective filtering system, the pool water can get contaminated, unhygienic, and even dangerous very easily.

Choosing a pool filter may seem like a confusing task, especially for new pool owners. But this task can be easily done by knowing a bit about the different pool filters available on the market. This will allow you to choose the filter best suited to your needs.

Factors affecting the choice of pool filters

There are numerous factors that affect the choice of pool filters. Some of them include:


Although all well-built, high-quality swimming pool filters are equally efficient, certain filters are better at removing tiny particles compared to their counterparts. Diatomaceous earth filters are the best at removing very tiny particles. They are also the most efficient in removing the maximum amount of debris from the pool water. So a DE filter may be most suited for you if you are quite particular about removing even the tiniest bit of debris.


An average homeowner will need to spend around 1,400 AUD to install a basic filter for their swimming pool, but the price might vary from 700 AUD to 3000 AUD. Before deciding on the filter you want, make an estimate of your budget and contact a reliable contractor. This will allow you to choose the best product that is available in your budget range.


This is also an important factor affecting the choice of pool filters. All swimming pool filters need proper and regular maintenance, including frequent cleaning, component replacement, and backwashing. Among all the choices, the DE filters often require the greatest upkeep. So, if you cannot spare much time for maintenance, choose the filter accordingly. You can also hire professionals to help you with regular maintenance if it stays within your budget.

Pool characteristics

Finding the ideal pool filter is crucial for the proper operation of your swimming pool. The kind of filter that is best for your pool depends on a number of criteria, including pump type, plumbing layout, and many other aspects. After having a discussion regarding the characteristics of your pool with an experienced professional, you can decide on the best filter for your pool.

Different types of swimming pool filters

There are three different types of pool filters available, namely diatomaceous earth, sand, and cartridge filters. All three filters have slight differences and have their own advantages and disadvantages. After understanding the characteristics of each filter, it becomes easier to choose a filter suited for your needs. Contact your local fibreglass pool installer to find out the best filter options for your pool.

Diatomaceous earth or DE filter

This filter uses the fossilised residues of aquatic creatures. The diatomaceous earth filter can screen out microscopic or tiny particles from the pool water in addition to naturally absorbing pollutants from the water. In this filter, diatomaceous earth is mixed with water and transported through a conduit to a grid coated in polyester fabric, where it is trapped. Enough water should be added so that it becomes a creamy and thin solution. The DE functions as a filter when water travels through both the DE and the fabric. It is advisable to do this process during the night since it takes some time to complete.

Advantages and disadvantages of DE filters

The diatomaceous earth filter advantages:

  • It is ideal for removing dirt particles and germs as tiny as 2-5 microns.
  • These filters have a longer lifespan when maintained properly.

The diatomaceous earth filter disadvantages:

  • The cost of a DE filter is very high when compared to its counterparts.
  • It might be necessary to use additional pipes to install a DE filter.
  • Inhaling DE is extremely dangerous as it is cancer-causing. So, people handling it should be extremely careful.
  • The diatomaceous earth grids require annual disassembling and cleaning.
  • The cost of maintenance is high for the DE filters
  • After every backwash, diatomaceous earth should be fed to the filter, increasing the price of operation.
  • Cleaning is a bit difficult since the DE grids can get torn during the cleaning process.

Sand filters

These are the oldest kinds of filters that are still in use. They are affordable, compact, and have a straightforward design. In this filter, a canister holding predetermined-size sand is filled with water using a pump. The water enters the sand, passes through it, and exits the other end. The sand essentially captures floating debris as it moves with the water. Every five to eight years, the sand should be replaced since it gets too filthy to function effectively.

Advantages and disadvantages of sand filters

The advantages of sand filters include:

  • Low initial cost
  • Low cost of maintenance and less frequent maintenance
  • It is easy to change the sand
  • Backwashing is easier

The disadvantages of sand filters include:

  • Least effective filter
  • Regular backwashing needed

Cartridge filters

These filters are more effective in clearing tiny dirt particles when compared to sand filters, but they are less common due to their greater purchase price. Water is pushed into a tank where a secondary basket gathers the finer particles while the skimmer gathers the bigger debris. The water is then passed through polyester filters, where any leftover dirt is captured.

Advantages and disadvantages of cartridge filters

The advantages of cartridge filters include:

  • Energy consumed during operation is very less.
  • Removes more dirt compared to sand filters
  • Maintenance is easy

The disadvantages of cartridge filters include:

  • Frequent cleaning needed
  • The purchasing cost is very high


A pool filter is an indispensable component of your swimming pool. A proper and effective filtration system is needed in your swimming pool for a safe, happy, and healthy swimming experience. The best pool filter to suit your needs can be chosen after considering the characteristics of each pool filter comprehensively. You can also get expert advice from professionals before deciding on any filter.

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