Even if you are not convinced that climate change is a real threat the benefits of a residential geothermal HVAC system are real and numerous. As numerous as the benefits are there is one major hurdle in bringing this renewable energy source to the average homeowner. There is the challenge.
As we all know, the main problem with these systems for homeowners is installation. The installation cost can, in most cases, outweigh any financial gain. So, how do we promote a system that is good for the environment but bad for the individual. That is our conundrum. We have to find a way working with homeowners to bridge the gap. We could bridge that gap with the help of Uncle Sam. The problem with working with the government is that it tends to take an easy thing and turn it into a maelstrom of nonsense. I know what you are thinking and I agree. It can not be done.
Let us do a little wishful thinking and assume it could be done. Here is what I mean. What we need is a singular program designed for only this one thing. Promote geothermal HVAC systems for homeowners. This program would only be for single residential homes. We could help homeowners by covering the cost of installation by having them not pay taxes. The cost of the labor for the installation would be submitted to the IRS and the homeowner would not pay taxes or would be granted in the form of a refund monies to cover the amount of the installation. Once the cost of the installation was covered then they go back to paying taxes as usual.
This way the government does not pay for anything it just does not receive taxes from that individual until the cost is covered. This benefits the future in more ways than one. For every house fitted with a renewable energy system is a home always fitted with a renewable energy system. Also, the value of the house is greater creating more equity. I understand that not everyone would agree with paying 100% of the installation cost. It could be beneficial to start with reimbursing at 25% or 50% and watching it from that point to see how effective it is. If it works then leave it alone. If not then adjusting the percentage would be easy.
The exact percentage is immaterial right now. That number is debatable and coming to some kind of common ground might be a struggle but could be attainable. The main point is to bring this up for debate and at the very least start a conversation about how to make sustainable and renewable systems commonplace and accessible to the general public. This is not about political parties. This is about bringing cheap and clean energy to your average homeowner. Geothermal HVAC systems are not the solution in every situation or every part of the country but it could be a large piece of the puzzle that leads to an overall network of cheap and green energy.
If you have any questions about geothermal HVAC systems or would like more information about these systems please visit our website at http://www.wrightmechanical.com.
This article was written by Rick Lucas of Louisville SEO Strategies for Wright Mechanical Services.