Roof Replacement isn’t unlike automobile tune-ups or legal representation. Unless you are an expert in the area, you might not have any idea just how much you should expect to pay. However, just because you’re a newcomer in home repair doesn’t mean that you should let professionals take advantage of your roof ignorance.
Understanding a couple of important concepts will go a long way when you’re negotiating with your local roofing contractor.
Just like with auto mechanics and attorneys, it pays to do your own researches for roof replacement cost.
Roof Replacement Cost: Beginning with the Basics
The Very best place to begin your research is with DIY resources. After taking precise measurements of your roofing, drop by your hardware or home improvement store to talk with experts about the dimensions, materials, and time period of your roof replacement project.
You are not committing to anything you are simply researching information for the total landscape. You can use an online calculator or software application that will assist you to estimate the raw Cost, too.
Roof Replacement Cost: Bringing in the Big Guns
After you get a general idea of what it might cost “you” to replace your roof, you’re better equipped to evaluate the premiums that contractor’s bill. Acquire quotes from five to ten professional roofers. It’s prudent to get referrals from friends, family, and acquaintances because these contractors have a vested interest rather than unsatisfactory.
Roof Replacement Cost: Assessing the Results
Last, make a spreadsheet of all the quotes:
- Column 1: Name of contractor
- Column 2: Percentage difference between your DIY quote along with the contractor’s estimate.
- And Column 3: your own personal evaluation of the contractor’s previous projects (on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the best).
Multiply Columns 2 and 3. The contractor with the lowest Numerical score can potentially provide you with the best value for the money.